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Abstract and Paper adjustment:


-Abstracts must be structured with Introduction, Material & Methods, Results, and Conclusion.

-Affiliation  should include department, institute, town and country.

-Full articles that will be sent by the end of March to the congress secretariat will be published in the Urmia University Medical Journal.

Font Size Selection and Margins:

-To write abstracts in Farsi use the Software; Word 2007 or 2010. Use B -Nasanin 12 font. Page margins should be adjusted at 2.5 inch.

- To write abstracts in English, please use the Software; Word 2007 or 2010. Use Times New Roman 12 font. Adjust the page margins at 2.5 inch.

Article Title:

Persian articles

Use B -Titer font, font size; 12.

 English articles

Use Times New Roman 12 font but the whole title should be in Bold.


-If there is   more than one author, please bold the presenter author by asterisk. Submitter person will be considered as presenter.

- Write author names as last name and given name. Separate names with comma sign. Use Superscript number for author’s identification.

Author’s Address:

-Author’s Address should be written in below order:

Working group, department or Hospital/ College or Research Center/ University/ City/ Country.

Author identification phrase should be come just in one specified line.


  Type of acceptable papers:

A)    Original  Articles

Abstracts: Original research papers must contain a minimum of 250 and maximum of 350 words. Use 3- 5 key words according to the MeSH  instructions.

B)     Review Articles

      Abstracts: Organized or Systematic reviews must be less than 300 words and for other review           formats less than 250 words. Systematic Review abstracts should be composed of following parts: Background, Objectives, Search methods, Selection criteria, Data collection and analysis, Main results, conclusions

C)      Case report Articles

Abstract: Your Abstract must be structured with the following four sections and contain less than 150 words. Background -Case Description -Literature Review -Clinical Relevance